Thursday, January 31, 2013

Good Morning Sonshine!

It's a beautiful thing to dream about the people we love but even a greater thing to be awaken by one of those angels.

A couple of mornings ago, I opened my eyes to see Noah standing at the edge of my bed, with his little hand gently patting the top of my head. I eased out of bed (2:30am) for an after-midnight snack.

He said, "dad i'm hungry", so I scooped him up and we headed to the kitchen and he ate a peanut butter sandwich, a cup of apple sauce, and drank a glass of milk. It was certainly a series of magical moments as I turned off the lights and tucked him back into bed. So now you see just how beautiful my dreams are every morning ;-)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

God's Has Great Plans!

I can feel God preparing something great for me and the ones I care about. God will never let us out-give Him. His plans for us are always greater than we can imagine. Terrie and I read the Bible every night before going to sleep and I read the story about a man who almost thought his way out of a miracle. Naaman was a man that needed a miracle and was sent to see the man of God. He was told by a servant of the man of God to go wash in the river Jordan. Naaman said, "I THOUGHT" the man of God would have come to the door and stretched out his hands over me for me to instantly receive my miracle but instead he sends a servant. Then he said, "I THOUGHT" he would have told me to go wash in a river with cleaner water instead of the muddy Jordan. So he had decided to go back home without his miracle until some of his servants talked him into doing what the prophet said. So he went down to Jordan and dipped seven times and when he came up out of the water on the seventh time, he received his miracle.

God's plan to bless us may not come in the way we think but it WILL come to those who will serve and wait on God. I am happy with my life and excited to know that God is with me!