today was another step for me on the path to God's Will. i accepted a job working with Enoch at WinShape Retreat which is located at Berry College in Rome, GA. God has prompted me to live by faith and with doing that i'm trusting Him to take care of me and the ones i love. i know if i can faithful in the small things that God will bring greater things into my life. He has a plan for me to be truly happy and successful again. i feel clean again and thank God for his forgiveness everyday. the devil has been after me for a long time and for a season has kept me inprisoned, but i am no longer in that prison. Psalm 18, God heard my cry, He bowed the heavens and came down, God has rescued me from the enemy's lies that told me i was not a good man. i am a good man, but, just a man. we have all fallen short of the Glory of God, but God's Grace is sufficient and He loves me just as though i have never sinned. i am on a path to complete healing and for now i am feeling better about my life and learning to forgive myself for the steps my feet have trodden.
Psalm 37:23 "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord; and he delighteth in his way.