I listened to one of my favorite songs on the drive back to Georgia entitled "East to West" by Casting Crowns. the message is that God has forgiven me of my sins and has removed them from my life as though i have never sinned. There is no doubt that God has blessed me with a passion to facilitate and lead young people to serve God and be true worshippers. for the past six months i have exhausted every means available to get a career going in information systems to no avail. God has been patiently waiting with open arms to give me the true desires of my heart and minister again.
the devil has been crushing my spirits over the past few days but i'm now realizing that it's been within God's plan. it's only when the rose petals have been crushed that they smell the sweetest. i may not ever be accepted within the circle of some churches because of my fall and that's ok. there's plenty of churches that overflows with God's Grace that are looking for workers for the harvest. when Jesus asked the desciples if they had caught any fish, they said no... it was then that Jesus said, "cast your nets on the other side of the ship". when they had done this, their nets were filled.
there's another mountain top waiting for me and it's my prerogative (an exclusive right or priviledge held by a person or group of people) to get back on top. Joshua 17:14-18 "But the mountain shall be thine"