when i'm with noah, the world stands still. a few weeks ago, noah's mom asked if i would like to keep noah with me for a couple of weeks. it was an overwhelming feeling of joy to know that me and my son could play and have time to bond without having to worry about the weekend ending. noah turned 2 years old, october 18th and loves trains, planes, trucks, horses, and guitars. he loves going to the park and playing on the playground equipment and slides. his two favorite times are going to bed and waking up. he loves looking at books together and stealing my pillow. its a time that nothing else matters... just me and noah. i love watching him wake up. he's like a flower unfolding and full of geniune smiles and love.
noah loves throwing rocks in the creek. there's a little park area just down the road from where we like to go and play. the water is crystal clear and noah is definitely in charge. he is so precious. seeing and hearing him be happy and laugh makes my heart pound out of my chest. it's the best medicine that a dad could ever take.
he's always busy and never meets a stranger. he says hey to everybody we pass. there's magic in the air when he opens his eyes in the mornin' and a calm peace that comes over me when i watch him close them at night. he like me to sing to him and it's beautiful to hear him sing along with me in his own words. he is so loving.
i love you little buddy, you make me feel wonderful!