it's been said that when pushed to the limit, a person could go without air for 3 minutes, without water for 3 days, and without food for 30 days. i remember a story in Exodus 15:22 after God parted the red sea and used Moses to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt. verse 22 says they went three days into the wilderness and found no water. verse 23 says when they came to Marah they could not drink of the waters for it was bitter. the people of course murmered against moses but God spoke to moses in verse 25 to cut down a tree and cast it into the waters. when he did this, the waters became sweet so that they could freely drink. then after this remarkable day they later found twelve wells of water in verse 27.
this tells me that they had gone as far as they could go. they were at the point of total exhaustion and dehydration. their bodies were weak, their minds were not thinking clearly, and because it said they murmured, it leads me to believe that they had no hope. it was when they had reached this place in their life that they found a pool of water at a place called Marah, but yet they couldn't drink because it was bitter water. some people have suffered so long that they have become bitter. they have what they need but don't know how to appreciate it. when God told moses to cut down a tree and cast it into the waters, it was a representation of the Cross of Calvary. when the Cross of Calvary comes into our bitter waters, it will also cause the waters to become sweet and drinkable.
God has a plan for me. When we go as far as we can go and do everything in our power without success... it is then and only then that God says, "Now let me show you what I can do"