Romans 8:28 says.. "all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose."
God truly gives us the Grace we need in the moment we need it and not a moment before. His Grace is sufficient to meet our need and never fails. God is always right on time. He has knowledge and reasoning that i will never understand in this body.
i feel like something big is about to happen in my life and it's got me feeling funny on the inside. kinda excited and kinda fearful, its almost like a transformation of a butterfly from a cocoon. i have felt like i've been hidden inside a cocoon for a long time but God is about to give me wings. My sins were paid for on the cross and i don't have to carry any guilt anymore. Praise His Holy Name!
Good things come to those who wait and i've been waiting. He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. and i've been seeking... my heart has been very heavy today but a friend of mine prayed with me today and i'm very grateful to have someone who has been an armorbearer for me. i know there is a lot of people praying for me because i can feel it.
i was listening to a preacher tonight and he said, nothing in life happens to me... it happens for me. God is in control and if anything happens, He allows it to happen. and God has promised to take whatever happens and turn it for my good. i'm just gonna keep trusting in that promise.