Noah is bursting with knowledge, words, a beautiful little voice that says some of the cutest things. he loves to chew gum and he's very proud of it. when he's chewing gum, he tells everybody "hey" then immediately he then says, "i got gum". it's so funny, i can get enough of it.
i love to hear him say, "awe man"..., and "i'm precious", and "i'm cute". there's a country song i gave to terrie for valentines day that he likes to hear. it's called "Give me that girl" by Joe Nichols. he loves using straws as drum sticks and playing pretend drums with his straws.
after hearing the song, he said, mama's a country girl... then he said, i'm a country boy... it's so amazing to hear him put sentences together. it takes my breath away to see how fast he's growing and progressing.
knowing that God is working things out for me to be with my family has lifted me above all the obstacles in my life. it's as though God's Grace is being outpoured on me and i can't explain how much God has changed my perspective.
Russ Sarratt gave a devotional today at work today that was an exceptional truth from God. he talked about the fact that we have two ways to view the things in our life. thru a human perspective with limited means or we can view our circumstances thru God's perspective with unlimited power. i choose the latter and God has a perfect record and has never lost a battle, never been surprised, and he's never been late.