God is the Artist of my life and He has painted some remarkable things on the canvas of my soul. I look back on my life and can't help but be amazed at the joy that God has given me.
Sometimes, it's hard to see the picture He's working on but if we can be patient and fully submit our lives to Him, He will in fact reveal His handywork through our lives.
Last week, Enoch started reading his Bible in the same book that i was reading. We are both not far from finishing up the Old Testament. The scriptures were like a missing piece of a puzzle in my life. And when i put it in the right place, a remarkable picture of who i am was revealed.
God’s favor opens the doors that we cannot. His faithfulness reveals His love and He is always as near as the mention of His name.
My heart is so happy that at times it feels as though it is about to burst. It’s how it feels when you’ve worked out and your muscles get tight. Reading my Bible and praying has strengthened my heart and it feels wonderful.
Noah is SO Beautiful! I love this picture of him working with his artwork. God has great things in store for me, Terrie and our Beautiful Noah. God is faithful to reward them that diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).