The pages of my life seem to be never-ending and that in itself is a beautiful thing! God's Grace has been constantly poured out on me and He has been not only my Lord and Savior but my dearest friend that has always loved me.
I have the most wonderful family and friends anyone could ever dream of having and for that I am the richest man in this world. Our journey is a winding road with hills and valleys which sometimes prevents us from seeing very far into our future. It's a bitter-sweet masterpiece in which I count myself blessed. There's no doubt in my mind that God uses angels to help his children find their way down this wonderful path called life.
God's Grace will always be sufficient to meet our every need but will be given on a daily basis. It's
truly a blessing for me to make the most of every day and to love and live our life each day like it's our last. One of the best ways for some of us to learn is by watching the example that others provide as they live for God.
Sometimes even the most experienced can fall out of the saddle and when that happens, only the most determined will climb back on and try it again. God has placed people in my life that has encouraged me when i needed a little nudge and i am truly grateful for those people in my life.
There's no way I could name all the people that has prayed for me and given me an outstretched hand to pick me up but God has certainly been at work in my life thru my two oldest boys, Enoch and Chris. Shortly after my world crumbled, when I lived in GA, Enoch was a rock that seemed to be strategically placed in one of God's beautiful streams of life (WinShape Retreat). He inspired me everyday as he spoke words of life and managed his team of guys who work hard to make the grounds of WinShape look so spectacular.
One day he encouraged me to confide in a friend named Terry Shank who is known by many to be one of God's chosen and a man among men. Between Enoch, Terry Shank, and the team of wonderful folks at WinShape, God placed my broken life back on the potter's wheel and began a new work in my life.
A glimpse of God's glory makes the difference between darkness and light and though I daily hear the words "Roll Tide", my definition of that phrase has a much deeper meaning than the University of Alabama.
I love talking to my oldest son Chris on Skype and seeing his face while we laugh together is a daily routine which has provided another wonderful source of encouragement and counsel. It's a beautiful thing to experience Gods miracle of restoration and to once again be able to dream and have goals.
My journey has once again been highlighted on a map in God's Word and I am no longer a broken vessel but a vessel full of the joy of God and I have once again been given the desires of my heart [Psalm 37:4].
This is my second year at the University of Alabama and just starting my third position with a new title of Manager of Area Computing Services for the Capstone College of Nursing. Though I graduated with a Master's degree Dec 2012, I continue in a class called Terrie-ology 101, recommended by two of my best friends and counselors, Terry and Theta Shank.
Terrie-ology 101 is a term for me to study my wife's likes and dislikes and to learn everything I can about how I can to not only be a good husband but to compliment her life as her best friend. She is my beautiful wife and the loving mother of our little big guy, Noah.
I am truly blessed and give God all the glory!