Monday, April 15, 2019

Time is flying by but I'm enjoying the ride!

Loving my life and blessed to be in some of the best shape ever; physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Terrie and I enjoy dates and time together. A book entitled Love and Respect has really helped us see our relationship in a new light.

One of our favorite Mexican restaurants is in Ellisville. We always have fun laughing while eating chips, salsa, and queso.

Ole Noah still likes playing army down on the creek. He likes climbing trees, building a fire, playing with his friends across the road.

Morning routines and evening routines... It's just what we do, lol. The other night, I walked into the bathroom and he had already laid out my night clothes and towel. (what I usually do for him)

After dropping him at school there's nothing more touching than to see him look back one more time before he walks in to give me that little wave.

When I get home, ole Jake lets me know it's his turn. I've always been blessed to have good dogs. A few years ago, this guy came walking up the creek on Father's day and never left. It's like God knew me and Jake would be good friends.

I like walking with Terrie and Noah, and sometimes I'll make a trip with just me and the dogs.

Walking is priceless! It's one of the healthiest things to do for yourself.