one of our favorite places to play is at the park. the atmosphere is so nice and the space is wide open to run, climb, chase, slide, ride scooters, dig in the dirt, play with dump trucks, pretend to build a fire, hide-n-seek, and of course we have to take some time to pretend to be superheroes. one of the first things that happens to me when i step onto the woodchips of the climbing area, i act like i turn into a gorilla and noah loves loves loves that to happen ;-)
on this particular park day, he had a blast riding on his scooter. he is 4 and noah is so entertaining and so much fun. there is never a dull moment and he has so much to say about everything.
from the time we open the door, these little legs never slow down until he steps back into the car or truck to get in his car seat.
the air feels so clean when its a little cool and the sunshine feels so nice and warm. its funny that we can spend hours of clean fun at the park and it's absolutely free. I am so blessed and so happy to be able to love my family and take care of them. God Grace is sufficient to meet every need and has blessed us abundantly.
noah is so resourceful and has an incredible imagination. he love playing with sticks and will pretend to build a fire by stacking them in a pile. as you can see in this pic, we're roasting marshmallows.
we definitely get our exercise running and chasing this big around and believe me.. its the most enjoyable exercise ever!
Terrie usually picks noah up around 4pm from preschool and sometimes head to the park and I'll catch up with them when i get off.
Family time is priceless and its what i think about all day long. I am determined to put my family second only to God and to love them as God loves the church.
I've climbed a mountain (Chimney Tops) more than 10 times and its an amazing hike! I've white water rafted down the Ocoee river several times and its one of the greatest thrills i've ever experienced. But out of all the things i've ever done, being a dad is my favorite.
I have been fortunate enough to be a dad to three fantastic and incredible boys. Every time I hear their voices, i'm reminded of how blessed i am to know how much i am loved.
Each day is a brand new day and i have never been more certain about my identity as i am now. i am amazed at how much God loves me.