Friday, February 1, 2013

Truck Chemistry

This truck has been an icon in Noah's life and i suppose it will always be in the family. Since he was born, we would take rides down a little side dirt road and then we used it to pull a hayride for his 3rd birthday. He loves that he can see much better from his carseat and  looking in his rearview mirror to see big trucks as they get ready to pass.

It's been a platform for his imagination to create all kinds of things. Sometimes it's his workshop and he'll play with some tools and and loves lugging on a big iron chain and using the hooks on the tailgate. Give him a rope or a couple of tie-downs and he will tie up everything in the back. Occasionally we have nerf sword fights and shootouts from the back of the truck.

It's amazing to watch him explore in the front of the truck and pretend to drive. I can't begin to tell all the funny things i've heard him say in our truck adventures but recently we were getting in the truck and he said the truck had a smell but he couldn't figure out what it was. I told him the truck was old and an old truck sometimes smells old. He said, hm..

As I was clicking his carseat together, I said, you know, this truck was born in 1990 and I was born in 1963... so I'm older than this truck. He paused for a few minutes while i cranked the truck and was about to pull out of the parking lot when he said, Dad... your not old ;-)